Upon returning to Britain
after quite a leave, you may find Lord British out and about from his throne room.
Incidentally he's on the deck in front of the mage hall on the third floor. Without a dock
to port into to reach Yew, you need a land route (explorers like I have found ways around
this, literally, but lets stick to script for now) and the ole boy might have and idea. In
fact, he has a solution.
Lord British undoes a wall in
a cave (we might have ventured into earlier) that blocked a little northward
passage. With this open, the entire northern continent is now open to us with all its
abundance and hardships intact.
The blasted areas of Dawn and
Destard house tremendous quantities of reagents. The hills and mountains hide obects of
quest and other significance. Just a thought though that with all this frontier, such a
vastness makes for plenty of new beasties to pick at you.
North Mainland
cave pass under mountains
(2) spider
4 chest treasure room
(2) mimic [on the platform, just
to the right of the lamp post]
{ potn:orange potn:white }
[broken crate] potn:flask chest
{ potn:green potn:purple reag:ginseng reag:mandrake }
2 chest treasure room
[chest] (29) coin chest
(2) food:orange food:pumpkin }
bucket on south wall
{ gem:cut ruby gem:cut amethyst }
goblin valley
{ weap:1H:mace (5) weap:ammo:arrow [16°13's,30°50'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
(3) troll
(2) goblin mage
(13) goblin
(2) giant spiders
(2) giant rat
[11°36's,31°2'w on
throne] key:gold key [nearby chest]
(2) potn:yellow (20) coin (20) coin }
[10°31's,34°24'w desecrated graveyard with secret underneath]
(carved in trees "Victor + Maria" & "LM + MC",
markers labeled "Alex" & "Michael", Large marker engraved with
words "In Loving Memory of Phyllis Jones, You were my muse, I am your legacy")
[10°19's,39°58'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
[8°47's,41°50'w] (2) reag:silk creeper
northern west road
[3°0's,37°21'w] thief
[1°49's,36°8'w] wolf
[2°4's,35°20'w] cave
(4) skeleton
[chest] mscl:Meteorite [crate] (203) coin binding circle
[4°54's,33°52'w] giant spider
[6°17's,37°31'w] shack
giant spider potn:yellow }
thiefs camp
{ bandit thief food:roast fowl reag:ginseng box { potn:yellow (25) coin } first tent { (300) coin (12) coin reag:mandrake reag:ginseng chest { (50) coin (2) potn:black } } second tent { weap:1H:broadsword weap:1H:cutlass [crate] mscl:Light Heal }
[0°56's,42°11'w] giant crab
[0°8'n,41°29'w] reag:pearl [0°33'n,41°0'w] chest
{ mscl:Light Heal (100) coin }
[1°4'n,36°49'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
[10°37'n,41°31'w] giant crab
[12°18'n,39°38'w] three
pillars (the two on each side teleport between each other, the tallest in the center
teleports to a few steps east to a disappearing fourth pillar that produces a heal)
[6°36'n,33°51'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
[9°9'n,35°44'w] cave
giant weap:1H:axe chest
(2) potn:yellow potn:black mscl:Wizard Eye }
[14°29'n,36°1'w] archer
[15°9'n,34°41'w] archer
[16°7'n,36°32'w] thief
[19°12'n,36°47'w] (2) wolf
sign:nnn mathis mines
mathis mines
(5) goblin
(3) reag:pearl armr:chain:chest book:nnn to my dearest son [chest] (2) potn:serpentwyne gem:diamond gem:sapphire map:Britannian Star cave }
[21°23'n,36°32'w] archer
[16°43'n,53°23'w] crate
{ weap:2H:warhammer
(2) potn:white
primitive camp and cave and opposite camp
(9) weap:ammo:arrow (Ignite both statues [both braziers] to open
(2) potn:red
(2) goblin
(one of them drops a key:gold key at death, the key is for the following chest)
[chest] weap:2H:claymore [other camp fire pit] (37) coin }
[25°16'n,40°5'w] (17) coin northwest pirate camp
(2) bandit
pirate potn:serpentwyne (202) coin; [under pillow in tent] key:gold
key (door to shack at 3°36'n,19°37'w, shack is empty)
[chest] (14) coin [chest] (41) coin }
Bakuras Retreat
(hermit and master at staves; will train Pole Master skill for the Britannian Star) book:nnn five stages of lawn care book:nnn third age of darkness }
[1°25n,52°0w platform] Sir Will Letts Grave
(swim down in bubbles, touch both statues to kill field)
{ book:nnn from the notes of Sir William Lett
(when book is NOT in inventory, read to get 2H Master skill) weap:2H:two-handed sword }
(2) potn:yellow potn:black }
[chest] (37) coin
south west road & Dawn
[11°59's,42°23'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
(4) giant rat
(9) reag:garlic reag:ginseng
[10°48's,46°29'w crate] mscl:Fireball (8) hell hound
(2) vulture
[15°43's,43°28'w] (3) reag:ash [16°43's,49°8'w]
(4) reag:ash reag:moss }
[20°28's,50°33'w] cave
hell hound
(79) coin }
[18°54's,54°25'w] mausoleum
(3) ghoul mscl:Ring of Fire }
(4) reag:ash reag:moss reag:ginseng }
[16°13's,57°3'w and all along grassy cliff] (14) reag:moss [14°8's,55°3'w] potn:red [17°51's,59°16'w] grve:poor laurent (reading causes (50) coin
to appear nearby)
[19°29's,57°1'w] (5) reag:ash [21°51's,60°5'w] (100) coin [22°30's,58°51'w]
{ reag:ginseng (3) reag:ash }
[23°27's,56°30'w] earth golem
[23°55's,58°44'w] (3) reag:ash [24°13's,58°30'w] reag:ginseng [24°31's,57°32'w] (3) reag:ash [24°31's,55°31'w] bandit
{ reag:garlic reag:ginseng }
{ reag:ginseng (3) reag:ash }
[25°14's,16°5'w] (18) reag:garlic [24°20's,60°15'w] reag:ginseng [22°44's,61°4'w] pit
{ reag:ash reag:ginseng potn:red potn:orange }
[28°20's,54°35'w box] potn:yellow [30°28's,53°56'w] skeleton
[26°53's,52°42'w] sign:nnn village of dawn
[26°13's,51°25'w] reag:nightshade [25°1's,52°24'w] pentacle [walking near summons stone demon]
[27°2's,51°17'w] food:cheese [28°9's,52°39'w] bedroll
Dawn graves
grve:nnn poor jim
grve:nnn master vaden
grve:nnn lohl
grve:nnn frank
[23°48's,45°53'w] ice hound
[25°40's,45°3'w] Destard frozen entrance
central Serpents Spine Mountains
{ weap:pole:shepherds crook (13) coin }
[3°23n,16°45w] fort
(3) archer
{ weap:1H:shortsword potn:orange (18) coin }
(14) coin
(19) coin
[8°11s,26°50w] cave
(entering this cave causes a stone golem guard to appear and attack from outside) weap:1H:glass sword }
[0°23n,31°25w] giant brute
[10°59s,23°59w] 3 faced mountain
Greater Yew
[2°47'n,25°46'w] troll
[5°23'n,25°44'w] thief
[3°21'n,23°52'w] thief
[6°17'n,22°30'w] archer
[6°21'n,27°51'w] map:Yew [19°48'n,31°57'w] thief
Sven (a hard-up patron)
Lucy (the barkeep, brother named Peiter) book:nnn Everything an Avatar
should Know about Sex map:Yew (3) drnk:wine bottle (2) drnk:bottle of whiskey }
[provisioner] James
(the provisioner)
{ book:nnn Gargoyle like Me map:Britain (3) jwry:bracelet bed
lever (recalls or sends the lift)
lift to Vasagralems
Desbet (arrives after trial)
Vasagralem (can only talk after have been to trial, will
help with saving Raven and quest needs [gives qust:red lens, points to mantra and
sigil], next seen at Wrong)
bed book:nnn Book of Prophecy [box] jwry:bracelet }
(2) sign:nnn please return all
(2) book:nnn The Second Age of
Darkness (2) book:nnn The Third Age
of Darkness book:nnn The
Apothecarys Desk Reference (2) book:nnn Encyclopedia
Britannia Volume V book:nnn Struck Commander book:nnn knights of legend
volume I book:nnn Karennas
Workout book:nnn Karennas
Total Body Workout (2) book:nnn Encyclopedia
Britannia Volume II (2) book:nnn Bow
Marksmanship (2) book:nnn A Treatise on
the Lore of the Gargoyles (3) book:nnn The Silence of
Chastity (2) book:nnn Encyclopedia
Britannia Volume IV (2) book:nnn Encyclopedia
Britannia Volume III (2) book:nnn Encyclopedia
Britannia Volume I (2) book:nnn The First Age
of Darkness (2) book:nnn The
significance of the number eight in current society book:nnn Fighting with the
bow book:nnn Observations of
Black Rock book:nnn Everything an
Avatar Should Know about Sex book:nnn Ethical Hedonism (2) book:nnn History of the
Avatar book:nnn Warriors of Destiny book:nnn Vortex Cube book:nnn Lord British
Biography (2) book:nnn The Quest of
the Avatar book:nnn Book of Justice
(revealed behind east bookcase by placing three loose books on shelves with those books of
like color as suggested by the signs)
Raliegh (the bowyer; trains Misl Journeyman skill for
(2000) coin) lever (toggles the ground target moving side to side in the range) weap:misl:longbow (19) weap:ammo:arrow hut
[chest] (24) coin crate
(2) weap:misl:longbow (10) weap:ammo:arrow
} book:nnn heal potion yellow
(2) weap:ammo:arrow
(20) coin
(5) coin }
farmer food:carrots hut
bed food:apple food:grapes food:orange food:pear food:lime food:lemon }
Gossiping Women
[24°48'n,30°30'w] archer
[28°27'n,34°5'w] binding circle
[30°28'n,33°42'w Ignite the tiki fires here and step
off the pentacle that appears after the first, a mscl:Bolt of Flame will appear]
[7°13'n,20°12'w] binding
[7°18'n,18°16'w] thief
[1°20'n,23°23'w] chest
(50) coin potn:orange }
[21°12'n,10°33'w] (little girl playing with shells; AS + PS [Star
Wars ref. Anakin Skywalker + Padme Skywalker?])
[30°24'n,16°2'w] food:trout [32°40'n,18°11'w] (145) coin [32°5'n,34°58'w] bedroll
[2°8n,19°21w on crate by lake dock] food:trout [3°35n,19°53w] empty hut door locked opened by
several keys
[21°13n,8°59w] potn:orange [24°1n,9°0w] potn:red [24°7n,10°37w] magic mushroom
points of interest on map
01 (6) food:carrots (note
the rabbit-shaped standing stone)
02 ranger standing stones
enemies and items on map
01 thief
02 giant crab; (2) reag:pearl; drnk:wine bottle; potn:orange 03 (2) goblin; [chest] (250) coin 04 wolf
05 giant crab
06 giant crab
07 potn:serpentwyne 08 (2) drnk:wine bottle }
(On entering the Court of Truth for the first time, you watch the end
of the tavern keeper Jean-Pauls
trial, you then have to sit through the farce of Ravens trial, afterwards you meet Desbet at the entrance of the court, will redirect to Vasagralem)
barrier range and steppes
[5°32n,15°34w in crate on top near south wall of hut] mscl:Summon
Undead [5°7n,10°29w] thief
[2°31n,9°13w in large crate] qust:sapphire
lighthouse gem [8°28n,13°24w] camp
(2) potn:yellow }
[12°0n,12°31w] near carpet
(2) drnk:wine bottle book:nnn gone with the wisp }
[21°26n,1°43w] potn:yellow [30°25n,3°15w in doorway of sacked lighthouse] potn:yellow [24°58n,5°7w] potn:serpentwyne [24°34n,5°7w] potn:white [23°41n,4°40w] out of the way house
[in crate on front porch] key:key (door to house)
[on wardrobe] key:key (foot of bed chest)
[chest] (346) coin weap:pole:bladed staff bed armr:buckler }
[23°14n,3°13w] telescope (magic mushroom on ne Yew coast)
[23°32n,3°18w near leg of platform] potn:yellow [25°34n,1°42w] potn:white [20°52n,4°0w] reag:ash [20°39n,2°27w] reag:ash [8°21n,10°8w] (2) goblin
[6°48n,6°50w] mausoleum
lever (opens middle left crypt)
middle left crypt
{ potn:blue jwry:bracelet jwry:necklace gem:cut amethyst (20) coin }
[9°21n,4°1w] troll
[10°27n,0°46w] goblin
[12°53n,1°31e] goblin camp
(2) goblin
[chest] (600) coin weap:1H:longsword (2) sleeping bag weap:1H:broadsword }
[14°55n,0°6e] goblin
[barrel] (43) coin }
[22°49n,0°2e] reag:ash [26°44n,3°3e] creeper plant
[26°0n,2°30e] creeper plant
[26°21n,2°10e] creeper plant
[26°19n,3°25e] (100) coin [21°0n,6°57e near sign] potn:yellow }
northern mountains and Abbey ruins
[27°9n,11°36e] ice hound
[27°6n,13°13e] ice hound
[26°29n,13°54e] ice hound
[26°45n,16°3e] ice hound
[28°28n,16°22e] ice hound
[32°13n,12°11e] ice dragon
[28°50n,16°54e] (4) gem:sapphire [32°3n,12°13e] weap:1H:Sword of Frost
(invisible, use Ethereal Sight at night to see)
[22°31n,17°4e] hut
bedroll book:nnn on dreams and visions }
[20°52n,15°18e] Brock (last monk of the Abbey)
[16°10n,16°25e] large brazier (Ignite then stand in the flame that appears
between the two smaller braziers, a building will rise under the large brazier; using the
ledge on the canyon wall, climb to the center level where there is a altar; as you walk up
to it, the qust:Candle of Love appears)
[28°24n,24°36e] ice cave
(2) ice
{ reag:ash reag:mandrake }
[25°1n,23°18e] cave
(2) white
(20) coin (50) coin }
[22°3n,11°27e] white wolf
[23°52n,10°40e] den
(2) wolf
white wolf
[20°14n,12°5e] potn:yellow [17°52n,13°22e] potn:yellow [16°48n,13°25e] ice hound
[15°6n,13°32e] white wolf
[15°19n,14°2e] wolf
[12°56n,13°54e] white wolf
[9°7n,15°42e] camp
(2) thief
[5°5n,15°51e] (2) wolf
[6°4n,18°59e] condor of justice (answer no to his 3 questions to get the qust:Quill
of Justice)
[14°5n,25°30e] goblin camp
(2) goblin
troll food:apple food:cooked steak drnk:bottle of whiskey food:rack of lamb }
white wolf
[12°47n,22°19e] cave
(2) ice
white wolf
[16°14n,23°40e] troll
[19°22n,18°21e] wolf
[19°48n,20°24e] white wolf
[21°59n,21°52e] ice hound
[23°14n,26°22e] goblin
[25°53n,25°45e] (2) goblin
[28°48n,26°14e] post
(2) food:cooked steak crate
{ potn:blue potn:black (224) coin }
[21°33n,29°58e] camp
(2) goblin
troll food:roast pig [chest] (50) coin drnk:bottle of whiskey (2) food:rack of lamb food:roast fowl }
[17°56n,23°52e] camp
(20) coin (5) coin }
[fire] (20) coin [barrel] (5) coin }
[24°59n,28°29e] abandoned mine
[barrel] gem:cut sapphire gem:cut sapphire gem:cut diamond }
[16°16n,29°13e] camp
(2) goblin
(50) coin }
[11°59n,29°14e] goblin
[12°20n,28°37e] troll
[9°17n,30°45e] telescope (where sarpents dwell, an
ocean view sometimes with sea serpent)
[22°38n,31°44e] troll
[21°15n,33°32e] goblin
[19°37n,32°49e] goblin
[31°57n,17°52e] horse in ice, a curiosity
Wrong Keep
(2) guard
(2) wrymguard
(3) weap:2H:two-handed axe (3) armr:shield [chest] (3) weap:misl:longbow
(12) weap:ammo:arrow (12) weap:ammo:arrow (12) weap:ammo:arrow }
[chest] (47) weap:ammo:arrow
(2) food:apple (2) food:orange }
[chest] (17) coin
[chest] weap:1H:short sword
(8) bed